Holy Crap!
Selected Essays on the Intersections of the Popular and the Sacred in Youth Cultures

Edited by
Kärjä (Music Archive JAPA) & Kimi Kärki (University of Turku)

IIPC Publication Series 7 (Turku: International Institute for Popular Culture, 2016).

ISSN 1797-318X

ISBN 978-951-29-6540-3 (PDF)

 This collection of edited conference papers has been peer-reviewed



Antti-Ville Kärjä & Kimi Kärki
Introduction: Cross-fertilising ‘Popular’, ‘Sacred’, and ‘Youth’

Antti Ville Kärjä
Epiphanies of a commercial age

Javier Campos Calvo-Sotelo
New Gods, New Shrines: Identity and De-Secularization Processes in Young Followers of Celtic Music

Clare Diviny
Supernatural Teen Television: Spiritual Lessons for Teen Viewers?

Ina Magel
Dealing with Death – New Approaches versus Ancient Traditions

Nina Maskulin
“There is always someone who survives from the end-of-the-world”. Qualitative attitude approach in film reception study among Finnish teenagers

Jonathan Rova
How to Crap in the Woods: The Formation of Authentic Identity and Faith in the Praxis of Adventure Tripping

Sissel Undheim
Spiritual Lego. Temples, rituals and New Age in Ninjago and Chima

Emily Winter
Negotiating the popular, the sacred and the political: a case study of three Christian social justice youth


Please mention the bibliographic information when referring to this book: Holy Crap! Selected Essays on the Intersections of the Popular and the Sacred in Youth Cultures. Edited by Antti-Ville Kärjä and Kimi Kärki. Turku: International Institute for Popular Culture, 2016. (Available as an e-Book at